In our rapidly digitizing world, understanding the legal nuances of digital documents and records has become essential. This seminar aims to equip attendees with invaluable insights into:
The current legal landscape regarding digital records.
Best practices for ensuring the admissibility of digital documents in court.
The impact of emerging technologies on the documentation process.
Case studies on successful navigation of digital records in legal contexts.

1. Are We Ready for Online Court - Mr. Mohamad Kamil bin Nizam, Federal Court of Malaysia

2. Cyber Security - Enhancing the National Cyber Security in Malaysia - Ir. Dr. Megat Zuhairy bin Megat Tajuddin, Cyber Security Malaysia (NACSA)

3. Emerging Technologies in Records Management - Mr. Hemant Prasad, Crest Infosolutions Sdn Bhd

4. Digital Records and Legal Admissibility, Indonesia Experience - Mr. Imam Gunarto, National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia

5. Understanding Electronic Evidence in Malaysia Court - Mr. Ismail Bin Mohamed Ariffin, Gulam Ismail & Adila

6. The Admissibility of Digital Documents as Evidence in Malaysia Syariah Courts - Tuan Haji Moeis Basri, Persatuan Peguam Syarie Malaysia (PGSM)

7. Towards Digital Preservation That is Environmentally Sustainable - Mr. Eric Chin Sze Choong, National Library and Public Libraries (Singapore)

8. Physical and Digital Art_ Preservation & Legal Admissibility - Professor Kelly Spring, East Carolina University

9. Digital evidence admissibility for legal proceedings in malaysia - Mr. Chow Siang Kong, The Attorney General’s Chambers (AGC)

10. Digital Evidence in Criminal Investigations - ACP Muhammad Zulkifly bin Mohd Isa, The Royal Malaysia Police
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