The Constitution of SARBICA was adopted at the Inaugural Conference in Kuala Lumpur on 9th July 1968 and amended by the Extraordinary Session of General Conference in Singapore on 13th May 2009.

Whereas the State Parties to this Constitution desire to contribute to peace and the common well-being of the people of the Southeast Asian region by promoting collaboration among these nations for the advancement of mutual knowledge and understanding, the preservation and spread of culture, and the promotion of education and research;

Whereas Article 55 of the 2007 Constitution of the International Council on Archives provides that members of ICA wishing to further the aims of ICA and to strengthen co-operation within a particular geographical area, may group themselves into regional branches;

Whereas at the Extraordinary Session of General Conference held at Singapore on 13th May 2009 we are desirous of strengthening the regional branch of the International Council on Archives for the Southeast Asia region with the objects and functions consistent with the constitution and activities of the International Council on Archives;

 Now therefore the Extraordinary Session of General Conference in Singapore on 13th May 2009 hereby adopts the following Constitution:
1. The name of this Organisation shall be the Southeast Asia Regional Branch of the International Council on Archives (SARBICA).


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